About Me

 Before I took on the role of being a wife and mom, I spent my free time fixing up my 1920’s bungalow…aka my bachelorette pad.  I’ve always had champagne taste and back in the day when I was a young 20 something (ahh, how I long for that youth), I was on a beer budget!

I wanted all the fabulously stylish things I’d see as I flipped through the home decor magazines, but I just didn’t have the means to achieve the look.  Enter creative juices: thrift store excursions, thinking outside the box, turning trash to treasure, DIY projects and patience…lots of patience. I quickly realized that not only did I enjoy doing this, but I became OBSESSED with it. I wanted to paint anything and everything!  I loved transforming the “trash” into one-of-a-kind pieces I loved and best of all, something that nobody else had because it was created just for me…by me!

The biggest influence was, is and will always be my mom. She was super creative, an extremely talented seamstress, a great DIY’er and if she liked something expensive, she’d always say “There’s nothing to this…we can make this.” And we did! She’s gone now and I miss her daily..sometimes hourly and I have moments when I know she’s right here with me. I can hear her saying that to me as I flip through a magazine or see something really adorable in a home decor or gift shop. Some things never leave you and for that I am so grateful.

     As a working mom, I don’t have a ton of free time, but what free time I do have, I love to spend reading home design blogs or scouring thrift stores and Craigslist for things to make over. When I started my little side business and wanted to name it Revitalized Relics, I realized it was the perfect name for it. Not only do I get to bring old things back to life by painting and re-creating them, but I am keeping the legacy of my awesome mom alive in all the pieces I do.

3 thoughts on “About Me”

  1. Stephanie said:

    Such a sweet and accurate description of Ms. Rys! So proud to have you as my friend and to be influenced by such an amazing woman! Love the web-site.

  2. Elizabeth Krystyn said:

    Perfect Princess!

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